Recipient’s Name Here
Bio goes here ….
Duplicate the template and work from the template. Do not write over this template or change it.
Add the detailed biography page:
1. From the Dashboard, select the CPSP website
2. Under the Website menu, select Pages
3. Under the header “Pages”, scroll down to the section “Not Linked”
4. Select the page “HFD Award Bio – Template” and hover the mouse cursor over those words – then click the black gear or cog to see settings.
5. In the “HFD Award Bio – Template” settings, scroll down, select “DUPLICATE PAGE”, then click “Confirm” in the popup window.
6. Under the “Not Linked” menu, the new page “HFD Award Bio – Template (Copy)” will appear. Hover the mouse cursor over those words and click on the black gear to go into settings.
7. In the new page’s settings, under “General”, update the following:
—REPLACE: HFD Award Bio – Template (Copy)
—WITH THIS: YYYYLastname (e.g. 2013Capps)
—-same as above
—-REPLACE: hfd-lastname-1
—-WITH THIS: hfg-[receipent’s last name] (e.g. hfd-capps)
Make sure the “Enable Page” is on (green).
8. Click “Save” and the window will automatically close. Now you can edit the page.
Adding the new recipient's bio and photo to the detailed biography page:
1. Select the new page you just named (above) – it will be under the Not Linked section.
2. In the upper left corner of the page preview, above the CPSP logo, click “EDIT”
3. Replace the template text with the award number, year, recipient’s name, bio, and photo.
4. Click SAVE (upper left corner of screen, above the CPSP logo)
5. Click EXIT.